If you do not wish to become a personal sponsor another way of helping very effectively is making a donation restricted to a certain project. With these purpose-bound donations you can either support one of the monastery projects or the emergency funds for children and old people. Monasteries and monastic schools will use these donations to buy necessary equipment like blankets, stoves, clothes and schoolbooks. Moreover the building of new classrooms as well as dormitories is financed through such donations.
Purpose-bound donations to the emergency fund for children and emergency fund for old people are used to help in situations of unexpected hardship.


It is important to us that 100% of the funds from sponsorships and specific-purpose donations reach their destination and benefit the people and projects supported, without any administration costs being deducted. Since Himalaya Hilfe started in 1993, costs like postal charges, communication, fees, travel expenses and so on have been wholly covered by general donations. Please help us to continue working in this way. Every general donation helps to maintain this mode of functioning of the Himalaya Hilfe.

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